If you decide to join me in listing your favorites from this week, leave a link in the comments so we can all read yours and be blessed.
What are my favorite things from this week?
1. My favorite Scriptures ~ I'm digging my way through Genesis and this week I read about Abraham and Yahweh God. God made a covenant (awesome promise) with Abraham. This is some of what He said, "“I will establish My covenant between Me and you,
And I will multiply you exceedingly.” (Genesis 17) While reading through Genesis I realized that what was promised is given to us through Jesus! Thank You Jesus! If peace was promised, Jesus gives peace! etc. Here is a whole list for you: Promises that Jesus fulfilled
2. My favorite moment ~ Ok, I can't really pic a favorite moment, as I had MANY wonderful moments this week. So, I'll make a mini-list:
- Oldest son turned 16!
- Huge hugs from youngest son
- Encouraged a woman in the store with Scripture
- Strong presence of the Holy Spirit

3. My favorite physical blessing ~ I really had 2 favorites this week in this category.
- I got a FREE pair of glasses to review (I'll be posting that next week.)
- I got a HUGE order of necklaces in my shop Everything Beautiful. The lady ordered 29 Scripture necklaces! YEAH!
4. My favorite food ~ My parents took me to Chick-fil-A last night. I love their waffle fries dipped in Chick-fil-A sauce! Mmmmmm.... And... their lemonade! Mmmm....
5. My favorite place ~ This week it's Michael's craft store. They are having a huge sale on jewelry supplies.
So, what are your favorites from this week? (Use my list or make up your own.)
I'm up for it!
You really don't want me listing my favorites or you'll be reading until Christmas. But today ... and just for today, my favorite is snuggling in my sweats before the fire & reading (with a dish of apples & cheese nearby) while it pours outside.
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