
Did you know?

Stay with me now!

Ever wonder about what God's name is?  You know that we have "Jesus."  You know that we have the Holy Spirit and then we have God the Father.  But did you realize that God actually has a name?

In Exodus 34:6, God descended in a cloud, stood by Moses, and then passed by him.  As He passed by He
"...proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth..."
In Hebrew (which is what most of the O.T. was written in) when it says "LORD" in all caps, that is actually "Yahweh."

So, God spoke His own name and proclaimed it to Moses!  How awesome is that?  Then, He described Himself and told of His attributes!

Oh, this is sooo exciting!  So, here is how it should read:

"And YAHWEH passed by before him, and called out, YAHWEH, YAHWEH, The Almighty One, compassionate and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in kindness and truth..."

Stay tuned, I will be talking about Jesus and His real name later.  It is just as exciting!

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