
Heavy Heart

I have a bit of a heavy heart today. I feel like I've been away from home for a really long visit (over a year now) at my in-laws. Some days, I just feel homesick. I'm not a materialistic type of person but yet I miss our stuff. It's been in storage for over a year now and sometimes I miss it. Stuff that we've used for our almost 14 years of marriage. Our bed, couch, dishes, doilies... I don't know, our stuff!

My husband went to the storage unit where most of our furniture is and just the thought of it (even though I didn't see it) made my heart fee heavy, like I'm homesick. I feel like such a child, missing my stuff.

You know, God has so blessed us, especially lately. I know He is there. I know He is working. I know He has our best interest at heart. He has plans for us. I just get homesick sometimes...

I need to do what the lady at Strong Quiver says, cultivate a joyful heart.


H-Mama said...

hoping things return to normal for you soon. it's always hard, but especially for us gals imho. :) (((hugs))) to you!

Sharon said...

Your post made me think about the Daily Bread devotional I read this morning. It was on Ps. 90.This chapter talks a lot about time. How God sees it vs. how we see it. I understand where you're at I've been there before and my heart goes out to you. Remember, it's just a season and God has a plan and purpose for everything. Redeem this time.

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