I was reading through some blogs this morning, and something I read triggered these questions. I'm just being curious and am only asking out of curiosity. I have no other agenda.
Do you have a best friend? I'm talkin about a girl friend IN REAL LIFE!
Do you have a lot of friends or mostly acquaintances?
What kinds of things do you do with your friend(s)?
If you have a family, how often do you get to see your friends?
I do have a best friend. I actually did have two but one has moved away and it's hard to keep the same relationship we had at such a distance. But the one real best friend I have here, cares so much for our family. She is a friend that sticks with me through the good & bad. Sometimes I feel like I am not as good a friend to her as she is to me because I stay so busy and I have a huge family and she only has her & her son (her hubby is in the military so she sees him only a few days every 6 months.).She wants us to get together all the time & do things, but most of the time I turn her down because my family time comes first. However, I try to get together atleast once(usually Friday nights) with her for dinner & shopping.
However,I think I have more aquaintances then "real" friends. I know some of my friends really are only my friends for childcare and photography(sadly) because other than that they seldom call or come over. But,I am more a family person then a friend person and I think it does get in the way of building strong friendships,but the friends I do have (mostly my church family) do care about us and are there for us 24/7.
With my friends we usually get together to celebrate our kids birthdays. We go out to eat as couples. Or we do girls night out with dinner,shopping, or maybe a movie.
I enjoy my online friends just about as much as the in person ones because the online ones you can be yourself with.I'm glad you are my online friend.
Hi Janet . . . thanks for visiting and following my blog . . . I am following you back :)
Friends . . . I have a few that I have known for 20+ years. One has moved out of town and I haven't seen her in years, but we stay in contact.
I would rather have a few friends that are true friends rather than a bunch of fakes who pretend to be my friend for whatever reason.
Hope you are having an awesome weekend . . . Gina
. . . and many more blogs!
Hey Janet! Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left me today! your an Awesome lady! I hope your having a good weekend!
Answer to your questions
I do have a best friend, we have been friends since the 1st grade, while we haven't always been close, we have always remained friends, Now we have little boys who will grow up together.
I have mostly acquaintances, I'm content that way, I have a handful of good friends, too many friends comes drama!
We just hang out with our family's at each others houses, we do on occasion have a girls night or day! shopping or dinner.
I see most of my friends at church, or on the weekends!
In it something is. I will know, many thanks for the help in this question.
Hi, I am glad you stopped by my blog and introduced me here. I have very little friends - when I did have friends they were not anything like me. I think friends should somewhat resemble you in some way- because you will find more things in common. Having children has limited me to having any friends. I have a lot of acquaintances, but always long to have a few close friends, to really enjoy life with.
I host a meme called Thursday Two Questions, where questions like these are very familiar among us small group of bloggers, if you have time, check it out. http://www.blessingreflections.com/2010/12/thursday-two-questions-14.html
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