I LOVE cutting and using coupons. Yes, it's a little time consuming but when I look at my receipt and see how much I saved, I get very excited! At one point, I was getting $100 worth of groceries and only spending $50 - $60. It's a process, and eventually you can get to where you are not spending even that much.
Sometime last October I ordered the Chicago Sun Times paper. Around here, that's the paper with the most coupons. Up until now, we have never had a paper subscription in the almost 16 years that we've been married. Why would internet users need a paper other than for coupons? Oh I know, for painting projects!
The next week, I got my first paper. My only paper! After that, I never got another paper! Where's my paper?!!! I am too busy on Sundays to remember to go to Walgreens and pick up a paper. Besides, it's more expensive that way.

On the other end of the line was an Indian ~ as in someone from India. There's only one problem with that. My husband can't understand people with foreign accents! Interpreting tongues is NOT his gift! (That's a joke between us.) Can you tell me why a person in India is answering the phone for the Chicago Tribune paper?
It seems as though the Indian woman got on it! She did her job well as far as I can tell. This morning, we woke up to having 2 coupon inserts in our paper box and 2 by our back door. Praise the Lord! He knows just what I need. I didn't need 4 papers, just the inserts! Ok so, they actually owe me 12 inserts but they are on the right track.
I wonder how they are going to make up for all of the lost papers? Maybe next time I'll have to make the call to the Indian woman. I'd be tempted to chat with her about anything other than the paper! (I love Indians!)
Do you get the paper? Have you called an American company and gotten an Indian on the other line?
Lol...yes, I talk to the Indian people all the time. My hubby is a notary, and one of the title companies that calls gives all their phone work over to India. That can be very frustrating!
It's kinda funny. Frustrating for my husband, yes! I think I'm gonna talk to them about the Lord Jesus when I get the chance! ;)
Although I'd admire the Indians' grasp of English as it's light years ahead of my grasp of their language, it's usually hard to understand them. I've talked to Indians for computer tech support and Trac fone support. This year I had to call Tech support and was so tickled to talk to an American.
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